SALMON (Systems Analysis and Learning for inferring Modifiers of Networks) is a network-based analytical tool for identifying protein targets of compounds from gene transcriptional profiles. SALMON scores proteins according to the enhancement or attenuation of the protein-gene regulatory interactions caused by a compound treatment. The magnitude of the scores indicates the degree of compound-induced alterations in the gene regulatory activity of a protein, while the sign of the scores indicates the direction of the alterations (positive: enhancement, negative: attenuation). In SALMON, the protein targets of a compound are ranked according to the magnitudes of the protein scores.

MATLAB and R versions of SALMON are available. Please refer to SALMON manuscript for more detailed information.


For MATLAB distribution,

For R distribution,

  • R software (>=3.3.2)
  • devtools package in R

Last Update

  • MATLAB package: version 1.0 (19.07.2017)
  • R package: version 1.0 (19.07.2017)


Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided agreeing to the Simplified BSD Style License (see external pagemore).

external pageLicense (RTF, 2 KB)

Download and Installation

Please refer to external pageREADME for MATLAB and external pageREADME for R.


This work has been supported by the ETH Zurich Research Grant.

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